How to get rid of varicose veins on the legs: an effective way

leg pain with varicose veins

How to get rid of varicose veins on the legs? Varicose veins of the lower extremities are the scourge of modern man.

There are a huge number of people in the world who are suffering from this malignant disease for quite a long time. What kind of disease is this and what does it "feed" on.

Varicose veins

examination of legs with varicose veins

This vascular pathology, varicose veins, took one of the first "prize places" among all other types of vascular diseases, since it is most often diagnosed in varicose veins of the legs.

In this disease, the walls of the saccular veins expand. From this, the length of the veins increases and we can see with the naked eye their serpentine curvature, as well as spherical expansions (knots) everywhere.

17-25% of all humanity suffer from this disease. And if in youth the frequency of detection of this disease is more or less the same between both sexes. Then, in adulthood, women become leaders compared to men, practically outpacing them twice.

There is such a version that hormonal changes during menstruation and during pregnancy lead to a weakening of the tone of the veins, which gives them a significant expansion and disrupts the venous circulation in women.

Causes of varicose veins

hard work as a cause of varicose veins

There are many reasons for the appearance of the symptoms of the disease. Below I will list the main ones, read carefully, maybe you have one of these diseases, then varicose veins can become concomitant.

The disease is genetically determined by the immaturity of the valve function of the veins, which is aggravated by the insufficient development of the connective tissue components inside the vessel wall.

And now there is increased pressure in the vessels themselves, and from early childhood, as soon as the first physical activity appears, varicose veins appear.

This group includes people with congenital hypercoagulation factors. Which leads to the formation of blood clots that do not allow the free circulation of blood and lead to the expansion of the lumen of the vessels.

I have already mentioned the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in women above. Menopause is added with age, estrogen decreases, progesterone increases at the same time, and this is an additional reason because, in general, clotting factors increase.

And also add to this a decrease in the synthesis of collagen, elastic fibers that lose their functions inside the wall and reduce the tone of the walls of the venous vessels. The picture is such that blood flow decreases, valvular insufficiency appears and blood clots form.

As one of the risks cannot be ignored. Especially in the abdominal type, when it turns out that obesity has a mechanical effect on the venous walls due to an increase in pressure under the compression zones.

In connection with the deficiency of insulin, the metabolism in the body as a whole is disturbed.
Hyperglycemia leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and there is an expansion of the lumen.

Alcohol has the ability to remove fluid from the body. Dehydration, in turn, leads to increased blood clotting and impaired blood flow.

If you are constantly exposed to increased physical activity or constantly have to stand on your feet. In such people, the risk of developing the disease increases due to stagnation of blood in the lower limbs and very high intra-abdominal pressure, which does not allow blood to flow to the heart at a sufficient level.

With constipation, the intra-abdominal pressure increases at the moment when a person pushes. Thus, you can follow the logical development of varicose veins - the expansion of the lumen of the veins.

And in general, due to many factors: the wearing of high-heeled shoes, previous abdominal operations, severe cardiovascular diseases with circulatory failure, chronic inflammatory processes of the pelvic cavity (prostatitis in men, inflammation of the appendages in women) and, of course, smoking.

  • Because of heredity. The disease is genetically determined by the immaturity of the valve function of the veins, which is aggravated by the insufficient development of the connective tissue components inside the vessel wall.
  • Due to the pathology of blood coagulation. This group includes people with congenital hypercoagulation factors.
  • Due to hormonal changes. This group includes the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, as well as menopause.
  • due to increased body weight. Especially in the abdominal type, when it turns out that obesity mechanically affects the venous walls.
  • Because of diabetes. Due to insulin deficiency, the body's metabolism is disturbed. Hyperglycemia leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and vasodilation occurs.
  • Because of alcoholism. Alcohol has the ability to remove fluid from the body. Dehydration leads to increased blood clotting and impaired blood flow.

Symptoms of varicose veins

varicose veins of the legs

There are the first harbingers of the symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities. It is worth paying close attention to them. The main thing is not to miss them in order to start treatment on time.

  • The appearance of cobwebs and webs, as the small blood vessels have already dilated and even become visible through the skin
  • The second stage, we observe the formation of prominent nodes that curl and are arranged in clusters
  • Obvious swelling and fatigue of the legs begin, people begin to suffer from frequent leg cramps (more often at night), feel itching, fever, crawling "goosebumps"

All these symptoms appear depending on the classification of varicose veins.

For the classification of varicose veins

The international scientific community introduced a systematization of pathological varicose veins using a special CEAP (Clinical Etiology Anatomy Pathology) classifier. This typology includes 6 clinical stages of varicose veins:

  1. Zero. The patient has subjective complaints without a clear etiology, suspected varicose veins, but according to the results of a visual examination and research, no obvious signs have yet been found
  2. I degree. A small vascular network is visible through the skin, slight, rare swellings, the appearance of: heaviness, burning, a feeling of "buzzing" in the legs
  3. II degree. This is already the starting point showing true varicose veins. There are symptoms of external distinct manifestation of dilated vessels, formation of venous nodes, which increase after a long stay on the feet or a long static sitting. From this stage, the possibility of thrombosis can already be observed
  4. III degree. Here, the symptoms of the second group are aggravated by regular swelling, most noticeable by the end of the day, and a pulling, aching pain in the calves.
  5. IV degree. Visible trophic changes in the skin. From a large accumulation of pigment in the epidermis, the skin changes from dark brown to black. Small local inflammations appear and develop in the form of erythema or wet sores, which over time will cause atrophy of the dermis and ulcers
  6. V degree. Similar course of symptoms as in the fifth stage, but with a healed trophic ulcer
  7. VI degree. It is caused by already severe progression and formation of non-healing wounds and ulcers

Mandatory treatment of varicose veins is necessary, otherwise you can get a complication in the form of acute thrombophlebitis and perforation of the nodes (when even the slightest mechanical impact can lead to a stretched and thinned wall of the vein to a breakthrough); the bleeding in this case is very strong and will cause a lot of blood loss.


a doctor examines a leg with varicose veins

You should go see a phlebologist. Who will be able to identify varicose veins at a glance, but nevertheless collect anamnesis, listen to your complaints.

There are special functional tests that the doctor must prescribe.

In addition, there will be instrumental diagnostic methods, including X-ray contrast angiography and ultrasound in duplex Doppler scanning mode.

compression stockings for varicose veins

Everything about the treatment of varicose veins

A few decades ago, there was still such a thing as turning to a phlebologist, there would be 100% vascular surgery, otherwise veins were not treated then.

But in the last 10-15 years, high-tech small and micro-invasive techniques have been used, such as:

  1. Sclerotherapy (artificial obliteration, venous walls are "glued" with a special solution, injected with microneedles)
  2. Application of laser therapy
  3. Treatment with radiofrequency ablation (the thinnest probe is inserted into the vein and gradually removed, the walls are "soldered")

In these cases, you no longer have to endure major, traumatic surgery.

In addition, powerful therapy of a complex nature is added, including the appointment of venotonic drugs, anticoagulants, antiplatelets and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Good efficiency gives the use of:

  1. Elastic bandage and compression stockings
  2. Hirudotherapy
  3. Diets
  4. Remedial gymnastics
  5. Water procedures

Attention: the use of an elastic bandage or compression hosiery is possible only after consulting a doctor (in particular, he will explain in detail the bandage technique - you need to start from the toes, with the obligatory grip of the heel and gradually loosen the compression closer to the knee)

But we must not completely forget that varicose veins still belong to the category of surgical diseases. And if, according to the advanced stage, according to the indications, a radical effect is necessary, then it can be achieved only with surgery.

One of the main operations is phlebectomy. The vein is removed, and the dry residue of the functional viability of the vein is only 10% of the norm.

Still, it is better to do it without bringing it to the final stage, varicose veins of the lower extremities can be completely cured if you immediately (but this applies to any disease) consult a phlebologist.

It is not at all necessary to lead to a "major" operation: varicose veins of the lower limbs are completely cured today, but this disease does not disappear "by itself".


No wonder they say: "man's salvation is in the hands of man himself. "And although varicose veins are not an easy disease and tend to progress quickly, only 10 years will be enough, from zero degree of varicose veins to the development ofpathology in the 6th degree.

In general - this is what you need, carefully consider the first manifestations of symptoms and consult a doctor - phlebologist.

Take care of yourself, pay attention to the first news that the body will show you about the beginning of pathological changes in the veins. It is always easier to prevent than to treat an advanced stage of any disease. Hello everyone.